i only have 31 days until my sweet little infant grows up. break my heart. the past month with mighty has been eventful, to say the least. he is wild. he gets into anything & everything. he climbs everywhere, up & down park slides, up stairs, off of beds, into tubs, you name it he does it. he is independent. he wants to do everything solo. he climbs all the way up the slide whirly slides, turns around, & comes back down on his bum refusing help the whole way. he is a picky little eater. he loves pizza, ice cream, cheese, pancakes, & apples. he is the fastest crawler i've ever seen. he's not very interested in walking; he gives it a shot every so often, he's walked up to 6 steps at a time. he still wakes 2+ times a night.
i don't enjoy the 5 hours of sleep i've been averaging the past few months but this baby phase of my life is almost over so i'm ok to stick through it. he loves parks, tubs, the outside, stuffed animals, looking out the window, the beach, playing on beds, & trying to get into the toilet. he recently conquered his fear of the vacuum! mylo is an absolute delight. his little smile lights up our whole family. his favorite time of the day is when daddy gets home or when we pick cooper up from school. he loves playing with tj & thinks his big brother is the funniest thing alive. he adores his brothers & daddy but they adore him more. i am going to savor every moment of the next month, my last month with an infant.
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