Tuesday, September 27, 2011


moderation.  this is the key to my sanity.  i do most everything in moderation.  not too little but not too much.  time is an issue when raising two kids in a constantly-on-the-go lifestyle & having high aspirations in all categories.  it's this lukewarm commitment that allows me to get everything on my to-do list checked off & still have time to play thundercats.  now let me clarify, i am not at all moderate instead i am extremely commited to my family, my friends, & my God.  my moderate attitude applies mostly to my personal interests & goals.  some people prefer to excel in a few categories, i prefer to take on a lot of interests & perform them well.  i'm okay with a less than perfect result.

i work out moderately & i eat healthy moderately.  i am not opposed to taking a week off from excersize & my sweets drawer is continuously needing to be replenished.  i scrapbook, blog, & journal keep in moderation.  i make time to shower & get ready every day but i never spend more than 45 minutes in my beauty routine.  i probably shop more than i should but i watch prices & never spend more than i should.  i love to read but i balance it timewise by watching only a little tv.  my house is never dirty but never overly clean.  i clean a little piece most everyday so as to never get overwhelmed (moderation at it's finest).  i love crafting but i have a rule, my crafts cannot be too time consuming.  i pretty much always find a way to do a craft in about two-thirds the recommended time.  the end product may not be as fine as intended but it's a balance & i'm always satisfied by the result.  i cook most days but i'm not afraid to throw on a bertolli's or reserve a table at p.f. changs in exchange for a little more backyard soccer with my boys.  i like my boys to eat healthy but we are known to have oreo shakes just about everynight.  i am also germ conscious but i have no problem letting my boys play in the dirt (it's mostly public restrooms that i have an issue with).  our laundry is done every week & i try to save every piece but if something involves too much scrubbing it gets tossed in the trash.  i love party planning & having company over.  i put an emphasis on details & love coordinating everything.  in my opinion our social events are always a success.  but i am not the type to spend hours upon hours concocting the perfect menu & design.  i feel that my family is well dressed but not at all over the top.  we are moderate.

yes, my friends, moderation is the reason i have reason.  my a.d.d. makes it difficult for me to stay focused on any one task for too long.  i do a little of this before moving on to a little of that.  and in the end i am happy.  i feel productive & rarely overwhelmed.  i get a lot done & i always have plenty of time for the things that truly matter in my life.  so when you are feeling a little swamped ask yourself if what your doing is a little over the top & if so then put it down & go fly a kite.  that's my theory.

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